Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
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A WhitePaper is a document that explains the technical and conceptual details of a project or idea. It usually includes information about the project's purpose, technology, features, and its potential benefits to its users or stakeholders. In the case of cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects like Soap, WhitePapers provide a comprehensive overview of the project's architecture, consensus mechanism, token economics, and other important details that are necessary to understand how the project works.
WhitePapers also serve as a tool to help investors, developers, and users assess the project's potential risks and rewards, and whether or not it aligns with their goals and values. For Soap, our WhitePaper will be an essential resource for anyone who wants to understand how our ecosystem works and how they can participate in it. It will also provide a roadmap for our future plans and goals, helping to build trust and transparency with our community.
The Developer, Kurtis Brisbois, found that Web3 needs a safe place. While finding that there is a Soap Emoji, it became a great opportunity to represent cleaning Web3. Soap is here to bring a high standard into Blockchain Technologies, Cryptocurrency and NFT space. This is being done through various ways, the most prevalent example is with Soap's Auditing Services.